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EtherCAT Slave Interface

Slave interface to an EtherCAT communication bus
  • Connects dSPACE real-time systems to EtherCAT networks as slaves
  • Dual-port memory for data exchange with processor board
  • RTI EtherCAT Blockset for MATLAB®/Simulink®

Application Areas
The dSPACE EtherCAT slave interface connects a dSPACE real-time system to the Ethernet fieldbus EtherCAT as a slave. Typical use cases for the EtherCAT slave interface are real-time applications in automation technology, such as process automation or test benches.

Key Benefits
The dSPACE EtherCAT slave interface enables you to take advantage of the very high performance of an EtherCAT network, which supports 100 Mbit/s and cycle times down to 50 μs.